Sunday, March 23, 2014

Flower Guild Job Description

Grace Episcopal Church

Job Descriptions

Flower Guild

The purpose of the flower guild is to provide flowers for the altars and other appropriate locations in Grace Church for various regular and special worship services and activities. When possible and flowers are available, the Guil may provide flowers for members of the parish and community who are ill or for some special reason the receiving of flowers would be appropriate. The flower guild will work cooperatively with the Altar Guild not only on a weekly basis but especially on special occasions such as Easter and Christmas

Duties of the Flower Guild.

1. To be responsible for all flowers in connection with all worship services scheduled for Grace Church, including special seasons such as Christmas, Easter, and other appropriate times. This does not include activites where the church is used for another church or organization, such as a wedding or concert unless those arrangements are made in advance and are agreed to.

a. Secure flowers for use in the decoration of the sanctuary. The flowers may be purchased, donated from another source, or cut from those on the grounds of Grace Church.

b. Arrange and place the flowers in the appropriate locations.

c. Arrange for any special flowers or seasonal decorations that may be needed.

2. When possible, distribute the flowers on the Altars to the sick or other persons for appropriate occasions.

3. When possible, provide flowers at other times of the week for those who are ill or for other appropriate occasions.

4. To work with the grounds committee in creating the cutting flower beds so that the flowers selected and planted will be appropriate for the use of the Flower Guild.


Worship Volunteer Scheduling

The volunteer scheduler will:

● Create a schedule for all the participants in the Sunday and holy day services except the organist and clergy. The schedule should go at least one month into the future. Use names from the list of people that are approved for each task (list is posted at the bottom of the schedule).

● Email graceleaders when each new schedule is made up.

● Post the schedule online in the Grace File Cabinet and keep it uptodate.

● Add service type, celebrant and organist information when provided by others.

● Email graceleaders each week what the assignments are for the next couple of Sundays.

● Remind the volunteers that they need to arrange for their replacement and they need to tell the scheduler. Remind them that in our Common Ministry church, there is no one to check up on them to make sure that they will do their jobs. That if they don't do their job, we'll have to scramble on Sunday morning.

When the Sunday bulletin or Sunday Grace Notes is made up, the volunteer schedule for the next few Sundays will be included, using the online schedule as of the time the bulletin is printed.

12/25/2010 Ken Lyon

3/23/14 small modification by Ken Lyon