Monday, November 24, 2014

Grace Church Seeks Music Leader

Grace Church Seeks Music Leader

Grace Episcopal Church in College Hill seeks a musician who will help build up our Sunday morning congregation by leading us in a variety of inspiring worship music.

This person will:

· Provide music (hymns, service music, preludes, interludes and postludes) for Sunday morning services (usually Eucharist) and about five other liturgical observances throughout the year using organ and piano.

· Select appropriate music from a diverse array of musical styles including traditional Anglican and gospel, in consultation with the worship team and clergy.

· Add variety by involving guest musicians drawn from his/her network, as well as parishioners whom he/she encourages to offer their music gifts.

· Oversee the church’s music budget for guest honoraria and music purchase.

This position would be 8-10 hours per week with a salary commensurate with American Guild of Organist standards.

Mail or email questions or resumes care of Roger Perna to: or

Grace Episcopal Church
5501 Hamilton Avenue
Cincinnati OH 45224

About Grace Church.

Worship and Music:

· We have a core worshipping congregation of about 30 on a typical Sunday. We do not have a choir.

· Sunday worship is led by a rotation of celebrants or officiants. The worship team leads the planning process.

· Currently, music support is provided by supply musicians on a Sunday-by Sunday basis.

· We currently use music from four hymnals: the 1982 Hymnal, Lift Every Voice and Sing II, Wonder Love and Praise, and My Heart Sings Out, plus a few other sources. We want to add “call and response” music to our mix.

· Most worship services are in our beautiful nave. Summer worship is in our air-conditioned Great Hall, which gives us the opportunity to do worship in less formal styles than is possible in the nave. Sometimes we worship outdoors.

· Instruments: The nave has a Moller pipe organ and grand piano. The Great Hall has a small grand piano. We also have an electronic keyboard with amplifier and speaker.


Through over a dozen partners, we support spirituality and healing ministries that bring hundreds of people to our facility every week. About 75% of our budget goes to support these partner ministries.

Our two most important outreach programs are:

· A monthly healing service offering a variety of healing modalities plus drumming that draws non-traditional healers and from 40 to 80 participants from all over the Greater Cincinnati area.

· A free weekly community dinner that feeds 50 to 100 people.

For more about Grace Church, see


Friday, November 21, 2014


Here are answers to some of the questions we hear from newcomers--or that we remember we had when we became Episcopalians (most of us are not "cradle Episcopalians"). For even more information, check out our Glossary page and our Links to other sites.



What is the Episcopal Church about, really? What's your "claim to fame?" Here's the Episcopal Church's "Brand Strategy Statement:"

For those looking for more meaning and deepened spirituality, The Episcopal Church offers honest and unconditional acceptance, which removes barriers to Jesus Christ and permits belonging to an authentic church community.
What do you believe about homosexuals? The Episcopal Church has determined that church membership will not be determined on "marital status, sex, or sexual orientation."

The Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio has authorized its clergy to conduct blessings of same-gender unions.

Grace Church prides itself on having active members who are young and old, male and female, black and white, native-born and immigrant, and yes, gay and straight. In recent years, Grace has called two gay men to be our priests.
What about the role of women in the church? At this time, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church is a woman. Need we say more?
I was baptized elsewhere (in another church, in a lake by a friend, etc). Do you recognize my baptism?

Very probably. The Episcopal Church, along with the Roman Catholic Church and most other main line churches, recognizes any baptism done with the water in the name of the Trinity (Father, Son & Holy Spirit).  

Thus, there’s no such thing as being baptized twice.  If you're not sure you've been baptized, then a conditional baptism can be done, saying, “If you are not already baptized, then I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

The Episcopal Church believes that becoming a Christian means becoming a member of a Christian community. In the Episcopal Church, baptism is normally done during a regular worship service so the congregation can welcome the newly baptized person into the community. 

There is nothing that a baptized person needs to do to become a member of the Episcopal Church (other than to ask that his or her name be put on the register, and to participate). However, if a person wants a more formal recognition of his or her decision to join the church and community, the rite of Confirmation or Reception is available.

Why do you have Communion every Sunday? Doesn't that cheapen it? We have Eucharist (Communion, the Lord's Supper) almost every Sunday in celebration of Christ's resurrection on the first day of the week.  This practice dates from the first century, and originated in the meals to which Jesus invited all sorts and conditions of people.  God's saving act reconciling the world to himself is so important and yet so hard to internalize that it bears repeating.
Do you really say the same words every Sunday?  Where does spontaneity come in? There are variations, but we do pretty much follow the script in the Book of Common Prayer during our public worship. Having a script allows everyone, clergy and laity, to learn their parts and to participate, and participation not only makes for great worship, it expresses the meaning of being part of a Christian community  The texts used have developed over a period of 2000 years and are deep enough and subtle enough to be inspirational over a lifetime of use. 
Do you really drink wine at Communion? Yes we drink wine and eat bread at Communion.  If either presents a problem for you, it is ok to take just the other.
How do I receive Communion?

When you kneel or stand at the altar rail, you will be offered a wafer of consecrated bread and a sip of consecrated wine from the common cup (chalice).

The usual way to receive the bread is to place your one hand in the other, palms up, and then extend your open palms toward the server. To receive the wine from the chalice, it is helpful if you guide the chalice from the base of it to your lips.

If you prefer to dip the wafer into the wine, you may dip it yourself or you may hand it to the chalice bearer to dip into the wine.

Or you may choose not to receive the wine.

If you do not wish to receive communion, you are still invited to come to the altar rail to receive a blessing from the priest. Please indicate this by folding your arms across your chest.

Isn't sipping wine from a common cup unsanitary? Those who have studied the question tell us that this practice is no more dangerous than the usual contact with other people, such as shaking hands. We know of no instance where disease has been spread through use of the common cup. If you are uncomfortable with this practice, you may take bread only at Communion
You do a lot of kneeling, standing and sitting.  How do I know what to do when?  And what's it all about anyway? Traditionally, we have said that we stand to sing, kneel to pray and sit to listen.  But sometimes we stand when we pray and sit when we sing.  And sometimes some people stand while others are kneeling.  What you are seeing is a mixture of traditions, especially with respect to prayer, where both standing and kneeling are considered to be respectful postures.

Don't worry getting it "right."  Episcopalians usually grant others the independence of thought and action that they expect for themselves.
What do I call the clergy? The only way to really know what to call an ordained person is to ask. Episcopal clergy may want to be called "Father Jones" or "Father Joe" or "Ms" or "Mrs." or "Mother" or "Mr." or "Joe," or "Mary." 

There is one almost-certain rule: Episcopalians never address their priest as "Reverend."  "The Reverend" is used as a title when referring to a priest in the third person.
Where did the Episcopal Church come from? The Episcopal Church in the United States inherits many centuries of catholic and apostolic tradition. Missionaries brought Christianity to England in the second century. The faith flourished and became organized as the Church of England in the 16th century.  English colonists brought the Anglican (English) Church to the United States. After the American Revolution, we separated from the Church of England and became known as the Episcopal Church.
But King Henry the VIII was your founder, right? It would be more accurate to say that Christ was our founder. 

The roots of the Anglican Church (and thus the Episcopal Church) go back to the English Christian Church founded in the the second century or so, which, over time, became subservient to the bishop in Rome.  What Henry and his Parliament did was to declare that the English Church was again independent from and equal to the Roman Church as had been other national churches (the Greek and the Ethiopian churches, for example) since the beginning.
I see people crossing themselves.  Am I expected to?  What's it mean? As with many Episcopal customs, crossing oneself is optional.  Making the sign of the cross was used from the earliest times to sanctify every action of daily life from morning to night.  Presently it usually signifies giving or receiving a blessing.
Do you have a pope?

No. In fact Anglicans (which includes Episcopalians) have no central authority as such.  A worldwide Anglican Church does not exist, at least not in the form that one might think. There are nearly 40 independent Anglican churches, none of which has authority over any other. The Episcopal Church in the United States is one of these Anglican churches. The Anglican Communion has no Pope, no Patriarch, no overall director nor any Parliament or Congress either. See Anglican.

Then you're Protestants, right? Not really, even though the name of the Episcopal Church used to contain the word "protestant."  We like to think of ourselves as the "via media"--the middle way-- between protestants and Roman Catholics.  We are both catholic and evangelical with roots going back to the historic Episcopate of the Apostles. We are one part of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
What do you believe?

The Episcopal Church will not tell you what to believe. We offer a thoughtful approach to religion. We believe faith involves a measure of reason as well as emotion. Our doctrine is designed to point out, not dictate, your response to God's continuing revelation.

That being the case, individual Episcopalians' beliefs will differ from one another's and from what the Church proclaims. That's ok, we're all on a lifetime journey.

The Episcopal Church's intent is to focus is on God's love and on His invitation to respond in mature freedom, in thanksgiving, and in loving devotion.

The Episcopal Church teaches that morality is positive, rather than negative. It is rooted in Jesus' summary of the law: "to love God with heart, mind and soul and to love one's neighbor as oneself." The focus of Christian morality is not on laws and restrictions but on free and mature response to God's love and in responsibility to our neighbors.

The Episcopal Church proclaims one God,
• the Father who creates us and things,
• the Son who redeems us from sin and death
• the Holy Spirit who renews us as the Children of God.

The Episcopal Church holds the Holy Scriptures (the Bible) to be the Word of God and to contain all things necessary for salvation. We believe God inspired the Bible's human authors and continues to speak to us through the Bible.

The Episcopal Church affirms that salvation is the end of our separation from God and the beginning of a new relationship with God and one another. The Apostles' and Nicene Creeds are basic statements of our beliefs in God.”

Finally, perhaps the best way to discover what Episcopalians believe is to participate in our worship and join us in our work in the world.

For more on what we believe, see "What we believe" on the Southern Ohio Diocese website here.

On a lighter note, you might enjoy Top 10 Reasons to be an Episcopalian by Robin Williams.

Do you have private confession?  Are Episcopalians expected to go to confession? Yes we have private confession, which we call Reconciliation of a Penitent, and any priest can and will offer you this sacrament.  But we don't have confessionals and we don't require private confession.  Virtually every public worship service we do contains a prayer of confession followed by an absolution.
How do I join the Episcopal Church?

We expect all Episcopalians to be Baptized. Nothing more is required to participate in the life of the church. If you have not been baptized, and you want to join up,  contact us to make arrangements.

If you wish to make a public, adult, affirmation of faith, you may choose to be Confirmed at the next bishop's visitation. If you have made a mature public profession of faith in another tradition and desire to affiliate with the Episcopal church may choose to be Received into the Episcopal Church rather than Confirmed.

In any case, you always have the option of publicly reaffirming your baptismal vows, even after confirmation, if you so choose--but this is a highly personal matter, and not in any way required.

How do I join Grace Church? It's simple: Let us know you want to be a member, and we'll add you to our membership list.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Acolyte Manual

Acolytes help create a worship experience that helps people have an experience of God. The only requirements to be an Acolyte are a willingness to serve and the ability to follow these instructions.  Note: This is a work in progress….

General Instructions.

You are a leader in the service. The congregation looks to you to help set the tone for our worship. Your demeanor and dress should show your desire to make our worship meaningful for everyone.

Participating: Follow the service, read the congregation’s parts, and sing as you are able. Participate fully, and by your example, show others how it’s done.

Sitting, standing & kneeling. During the liturgy, do what the celebrant does. If they are standing, you stand, if they kneel, you kneel, if they sit, you sit. Important exception: If the priest stands up to give the absolution after confession, you remain sitting or kneeling. Also, you don’t need to stand during the sermon, announcements or during the preparation or distribution communion, unless you are helping with them.

Moving. During the service, you don’t just walk somewhere, you process. By that, we mean that you walk slowly, formally, with an erect posture. Somewhere between normal walking and a military march.

Bowing: You bow once to the cross over thehigh altar before lighting or extinguishing the candles. During the processional, you bow to the processional cross. The person carrying a cross does not bow. (We used to bow more often, but these days, that seems to be overdoing it.)

Things do not always go as planned. Be prepared to be flexible!

Before the Service.

Arrive 15 minutes before the service starts so you’ll have time to introduce yourself to the other liturgists, vest (get dressed), light the candles and agree on who’s going to do what.

The crucifer should find out from the celebrant if there are any special requirements. Make sure the celebrant knows how many acolytes there are and what they will be doing.

· Every service has a crucifer who carries the cross.

· If there are two acolytes, one is the crucifer and the other is the Gospel bearer.

· If there are three acolytes, one is the crucifer, one is the Gospel bearer and the other processes the Grace Church. At the Gospel, process a cross and the Gospel book .

· If there are four acolytes, one is the crucifer, two are torch bearers, and one the Gospel bearer. At the Gospel, process the cross, torches, and Gospel.

· If there are five acolytes, one is the crucifer, two are torch bearers, one the Gospel bearer and one processes the Grace Church banner. At the Gospel, process the cross, torches, and Gospel.

· If there are six acolytes, one is the crucifer, two are torch bearers, one the Gospel bearer, one processes the Grace Church banner and one processes the second cross. (Or, process the cross, two torches, two flags and the Gospel). At the Gospel, process the cross, torches, and Gospel.

Dress using vestments in the choir room.

Light the Candles

If one acolyte:

1. Light the two candles in the Peace Chapel. Right first, then left.

2. Enter from a side door, process to the front of the high altar and bow to the cross.

3. When the Pascal candle [tall candle in the aisle] is out, light it first.

4. If this is a Eucharist, process to the low altar to light the Epistle candle (on the congregation’s right) and then the Gospel candle (on the congregation’s left).

5. Go to the high altar and light the office candles starting with the candles closest to the cross and work your way out. Right side first.

6. If the torches are out, light them.

7. Bow to the cross over the high altar.

8. Process out the side door to your left.

If two acolytes:

1. Light the two candles in the Peace Chapel.

2. Enter from a side door, and process together to the front of the high altar and bow to the cross.

3. When the Pascal candle [tall candle in the aisle] is out, light it first.

4. If this is a Eucharist, turn around and proceed to the low altar to light the Gospel candle (on the congregation’s left) and Epistle (on the congregation’s right) candles in unison.

5. Go to the high altar and light the office candles starting with the candles closest to the cross and work your way out.

6. If the torches are out, light them.

7. Bow to the cross over the high altar.

8. Process out the side door to your left.

Prepare for the Procession.

1. The crucifer should make sure that all the acolytes know what their duties will be during this service.

2. Get the objects to be processed from their places.

3. Assemble in the hallway inside the upper Belmont door.

4. At this time, the celebrant may lead the liturgists in a prayer.

5. Line up in the order of procession (all except the first cross are optional):

a. The first (or only) cross.

b. Two torches, processing beside the cross.

c. Two flags.

d. Grace Church Banner

e. Choir

f. Second cross.

g. Gospel Book.

h. Chalicer

i. Officiant(s).

6. Go to the back of the church.

The Procession.

1. Begin the procession when people begin singing the first hymn.

2. The crucifer processes slowly to the low altar, turns around facing the congregation so those following can bow to the processional cross. If there are torches, they stand beside the crucifer.

3. If the Gospel book is being processed, place it on the altar.

4. After all have bowed, process the cross to its holder at the end of a choir stall, and then process to a seat near the other worship leaders.

5. If there are torches, they follow the crucifer and place their torches in the holders at the end of the choir stalls.

6. Go to the seats provided for the chalice and acolytes.

At the reading of the Gospel.

If there is one acolyte:

1. During the Gospel hymn, go to the front of the low altar, pick up the Gospel book, and process it to the middle of the congregation.

2. Turn around facing the celebrant and hold it so that the celebrant can open it to the correct page.

3. After the reading, process the Gospel Book back to the low altar and replace it on the altar.

If two acolytes:

1. One processes the cross and the other follows carrying the Gospel book.

2. When they reach the middle of the congregation, they turn around, facing the celebrant.

3. Hold the Gospel book so that the celebrant can open it to the correct page.

4. When the reading is complete, the crucifer goes first, followed by the gospel book, followed by the celebrant.

If four acolytes:

1. One processes the cross, followed by the torches, followed by the Gospel book. At the reading of the Gospel, the torches stand to either side of the Gospel book.

2. When they reach the middle of the congregation, they turn around, facing the celebrant.

3. Hold the Gospel book so that the celebrant can open it to the correct page.

4. Following the reading of the Gospel, the celebrant will stand aside, and the crucifer will pass between the torches to return the cross to its place. The torches follow and return the torches to their places. The acolyte carrying the Altar Book processes it back to the low altar. .

Prepare the Elements

After the offertory sentence, acolyte acting as server should be ready to assist the celebrant in setting up the elements on the low altar.

1. Hand the pall (tent) with the chalice, etc. under it to the celebrant.

2. Take the Host Box (the round silver box with the wafers in it), remove the lid, and be ready to hand the host box to the celebrant.

3. Get the wine cruet (the larger one), and be ready to hand it to the celebrant with the handle toward them. The celebrant will return the host box to you at the same time as they take the wine cruet. Put the cover back on the host box and put it back on the credence table.

4. Get the water cruet and be ready to hand it to the celebrant with the handle toward them.

5. The celebrant will return the wine cruet to you at the same time as you hand them the water cruet.

6. Replace the wine cruet on the credence table.

7. Pick up a towel from the credence table and place it over your left arm (like a waiter), hold the lavabo (bowl) in your left hand and face the celebrant.

8. The celebrant will hand you the water cruet, and place their hands over the bowl. Pour the water over their hands until they begin to rub their hands. They will then take the towel from your arm and dry their hands. They will then place the towel on your arm.

9. Return the bowl, towel and water cruet to the Credence table.

10. Return to your seat.

Collect the Offering.

1. At the presentation hymn (typically the Doxology), the acolyte appointed should go to the front of the low altar to take the plates from the ushers.

2. Turn around and give the plates to the celebrant, who will probably raise them up and then return them to you.

3. Put the plates on the high altar.

4. Return to your place.

At the Communion.

1. Before the celebrant starts with “The Lord be with you” chalice bearer and all the acolytes should be standing in a row not far from the altar, with the chalice bearer on the right, closest to the celebrant.

2. After the chalice and acolytes have received communion, sit down.

3. If you wish, receive laying on of hands for healing.

After the Communion.

When the celebrant returns to the altar, the acolyte acting as server should be ready to assist the celebrant in returning the various items on the altar to the credence table.

1. If the celebrant extends the chalice or paten (bread plate) towards you, he or she probably wants you to pour some water in them to clean them. Do so.

2. The celebrant will take items from the altar and hand them to you to place on the Credence table.

3. Once the altar is cleared, sit down.

4. During the closing hymn, the crucifer gets the cross from its stand and processes to the back of the church. If there are torches, wait for them to join you. Others who processed should recess in the same order.

5. At the back of the church, crucifer turns around so that those following him/her can bow if they wish.

6. After the dismissal words, return the cross, torches and Gospel Book to their places.

Extinguish the candles:

1. Come in a side door, process to the front of the high altar and bow to the cross over the high altar.

2. If this is a Eucharist, turn around and process to the low altar to extinguish the Gospel (on the congregation’s left) and then the Epistle candle. (The rule is that the Gospel candle should never burn alone.)

3. Process to the high altar and extinguish the office candles starting with the outside and work your way towards the cross.

4. If there are torches, extinguish the torches.

5. When the Pascal candle [tall candle in the aisle] is out, extinguish it last.

6. Bow to the cross over the high altar.

7. Process out the side door on your right.

8. Extinguish the two Peace Chapel candles (leave the red candle burning)

9. Return the candle-lighters to the acolyte room, and your vestments to the choir room.

KWLyon from various sources. 1/25/2014

Saturday, May 10, 2014

"Healing Graces" Uses God's Energy to Heal

Healing Graces is a loving space where we invite God's energy to promote healing. During this process the body relaxes, allowing all systems to shift towards balance. When the body receives healing energy this can allow unresolved issues, previous trauma, physical and emotional pain to be released, leaving the individual feeling refreshed with a peaceful state of mind, body and spirit.

Healing Graces is located at Grace Church in room 15 on the first floor past the Small Assembly Room. Currently, it is staffed Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9 pm by Reiki Master Bill Tarter and Healing Touch student Candace Moxley. Contact Candace Moxley (513-376-7044, to make an appointment.

The Healing Graces room is available to all healers to help make this a community blessing. All modalities are welcome. For scheduling, contact Candace.

This ministry is free, but donations to Grace Church are always welcome.

Healing Graces is another ministry that's part of the Spirituality and Healing Center at Grace.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

“Pray for Grace” Answers

What is God asking of Grace?
We have some answers!

During Lent, friends and members of Grace Church Prayed for Grace. We asked God to give us direction and guidance--to tell us what He wants of us. People put the answers they received in purple boxes around the church. All the answers are shown below.  If you have additional answers, send them to Carol Lyon at

All members and friends of Grace are invited to come to Grace on Saturday, May 17 from 10 am to 1 pm to help decide what is next. We look forward to hearing from you.

Here is what those praying for Grace have contributed so far:

1. To give thanks for what we have been given:

  • · A committed cadre of active common ministers
  • · A facility
  • · The Spiritual Health partners who have been sent to us.

2. Be Joyful

3. Be Hopeful

4. Say hello to our immediate neighbors

5. One evening a week have the nave open for a “Come and Sit with the Good Lord.”

6. Be more loving

7. Be more open to new ideas

8. Build sense of worshipping community with what we have, for example “This little light of ours” and experiences that build sense of forgiveness.

9. Grace members to learn to talk about their love of Grace to others.

10. Reach out to partner groups. Make them aware of all the spirituality and healing opportunities at Grace

11. Add to our member rolls those in any of Grace’s spiritual and healing programs who can consider themselves members.

12. Let your light so shine before me that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven.

13 Be visible to others, (share) as well as each other (check on each other)

14. Evidently, the Presbyterians have claimed the line: The College Hill Church. Don’t try to compete with them but look down the Hill instead—to Northside. Diverse community, not many Protestant churches. Suggest talking with Deborah Wooden, daughter of (and caregiver to Lo Wooden), Cannon to the ordinary. Lives in Northside. John Dalzell

15. Suggest two chaplaincies that fit Grace Church ministries: 1. Chaplain to Cincinnati State and its unique contingencies 2. Chaplain to the elderly at Twin Towers. Susan (chaplain for almost 20 years) would be glad to discuss. Susan L.

16. Build up the body

17. Big Pictures of what’s happening on our bare walls.

18. Expect help. More are coming. Keep working. More are coming like Don, Anni and Candy. Have Faith.

19. Vacation Bible School

20. Tell our story

  • · To all partners
  • · To the diocese
  • · To Greater Cincinnati

21. Everything open to all

  • · “A house of prayer for all people”
  • · Everything in our facility is open to all.

22. We are Grace church. We are aptly named. Grace happens here!

  • · I think it would be inspiring to capture and document all the ways/places that Grace is happening here…and possibly motivate a Grace movement.
  • · This was sparked by the book Grace Happens Here by Maxcado.
  • · I have ideas bursting in my head about how this might work. Let me jot these down! And send them to you.

23. Light the flags at night?

  • · An eternal flame outside?
  • · Be the light on hill

24. Remember the opening line of the hymn "God is working His purpose out, as year succeeds to year..."

25. Grace church has changed very substantially since 2006, and the change follows the theme of the hymn quoted. With this in mind, consider the following questions:

  • · Should anything new be added?
  • · Do any of our current programs need strengthening?
  • · Does anything need to be reduced or eliminated?
  • Pray for guidance--share your answers!

26. What is the difference between us and Unitarians? We do not pay enough attention to Sunday morning--it needs to be more than a meet-up.

27. God is asking Grace to add to our member rolls those in any of our Spirituality and Healing programs who can consider themselves members.

28. God is asking Grace members to learn to talk about their love of Grace to others.

29. God is asking us to remember to thank people.

30. Church Attendance

  • · See page 38 of our history book "The Parish of Grace Church"
  • · Evangelism
  • · The attendance at the Wed. service is actually increasing. Take roll.
  • · The Boy Scouts used to be a thing. What interests do boys have these days? Smart phones and tablets.

31. You have a bad reputation in the neighborhood. Too much talking about each other. Too much arguing with each other. A member of many teams is gifted in dramatics. Her portrayal of your many team meeting fights entertains for a time. People soon get sick of hearing it. Fix it if it is broken. Shut up and be kind to each other if it’s not broken.

32. Build the spirituality and healing community.

33. Everyone here at Grace is so friendly and supportive. There never should be a reason not to be a part of it.

34. My goal is to be apart of this glorious church even when I can't be here in body. I'll always be in spirit. Just as God is with us all.

35. I was meditating for Grace, I went into a dream state. I saw Jesus. He was outside. He could not get in through windows or doors. He watched from the outside. People finished jobs, other people came and tore the work up. They redid the job differently. The first people came back. They tore the work. They put it back the way they did it before. This kept happening until a fight started. People then separated into groups. They pointed fingers at each other. They whispered about each other. Then I saw Jesus face. He was looking in the door by the bulletin boards. His face was now as big as the door. He was crying. What does this mean to you?

36. Vacation Bible School

37. Build up the core congregation.

38. Take care of each other.

39. Be patient with each other.

40. Check on each other.

41. The theme I keep sensing in prayer is that unless we have a consistent presence on Sunday mornings, Sunday morning worship will not grow and/or change. All that means is that Grace Church needs one person who is our primary face on Sunday mornings. For instance that person could preach 3 out of 4 Sundays and have an "associate" who took the fourth.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Flower Guild Job Description

Grace Episcopal Church

Job Descriptions

Flower Guild

The purpose of the flower guild is to provide flowers for the altars and other appropriate locations in Grace Church for various regular and special worship services and activities. When possible and flowers are available, the Guil may provide flowers for members of the parish and community who are ill or for some special reason the receiving of flowers would be appropriate. The flower guild will work cooperatively with the Altar Guild not only on a weekly basis but especially on special occasions such as Easter and Christmas

Duties of the Flower Guild.

1. To be responsible for all flowers in connection with all worship services scheduled for Grace Church, including special seasons such as Christmas, Easter, and other appropriate times. This does not include activites where the church is used for another church or organization, such as a wedding or concert unless those arrangements are made in advance and are agreed to.

a. Secure flowers for use in the decoration of the sanctuary. The flowers may be purchased, donated from another source, or cut from those on the grounds of Grace Church.

b. Arrange and place the flowers in the appropriate locations.

c. Arrange for any special flowers or seasonal decorations that may be needed.

2. When possible, distribute the flowers on the Altars to the sick or other persons for appropriate occasions.

3. When possible, provide flowers at other times of the week for those who are ill or for other appropriate occasions.

4. To work with the grounds committee in creating the cutting flower beds so that the flowers selected and planted will be appropriate for the use of the Flower Guild.


Worship Volunteer Scheduling

The volunteer scheduler will:

● Create a schedule for all the participants in the Sunday and holy day services except the organist and clergy. The schedule should go at least one month into the future. Use names from the list of people that are approved for each task (list is posted at the bottom of the schedule).

● Email graceleaders when each new schedule is made up.

● Post the schedule online in the Grace File Cabinet and keep it uptodate.

● Add service type, celebrant and organist information when provided by others.

● Email graceleaders each week what the assignments are for the next couple of Sundays.

● Remind the volunteers that they need to arrange for their replacement and they need to tell the scheduler. Remind them that in our Common Ministry church, there is no one to check up on them to make sure that they will do their jobs. That if they don't do their job, we'll have to scramble on Sunday morning.

When the Sunday bulletin or Sunday Grace Notes is made up, the volunteer schedule for the next few Sundays will be included, using the online schedule as of the time the bulletin is printed.

12/25/2010 Ken Lyon

3/23/14 small modification by Ken Lyon

Monday, January 20, 2014

Program Leadership at Grace Church

Motion passed by Mission Council on January 20, 2014. Effective at the 2014 Annual Meeting:

1. The two people responsible for Grace Church programs are the Mission Program Leader and Parish Life Program Leader.

2. They are elected at the Annual Meeting for 1-year terms, limited to 3 consecutive terms.

3. The Program Leaders and the Wardens make up the Executive Committee, along with any other member(s) nominated by the Senior Warden and approved by Mission Council.

4. Each Program Leader is responsible for seeing that the program ministries of Grace Church are carried out in their area. The Program Leaders carry out their responsibilities in partnership with the Wardens and Mission Council.

5. Program responsibilities be divided as follows.

a. The Parish Life Program Leader is responsible for the health and growth of the Grace Church Congregation and its members. Responsibilities include:

i. Worship

ii. Pastoral Care

iii. Christian Formation/Education

iv. Newcomer/Hospitality Ministry

v. Healing Ministry

b. The Mission Program Leader is generally responsible for the health and growth of the outreach/partnership ministries of Grace Church. Current ministries/partnerships include:

i. Wednesday night Celebration of Wholeness and Healing.

ii. Interfaith Hospitality Net

iii. Parolee Ministry

iv. Community Dinners

v. Life Renewal Church

vi. Mount Echo Tribe

vii. Rainbow Band

viii. Yoga

ix. Tai Chi

x. Oneness Blessing

xi. Narcotics Anonymous

xii. Zumba

6. Program Leaders are expected:

a. To be faithful in worship and prayer and to communicate regularly with church members.

b. To report regularly the goals and progress of their area to Mission Council and the Congregation. If not members of Mission Council, they would still be regular attendees with a voice.

c. To delegate his or her responsibilities appropriately, forming, staffing, overseeing and coordinating the work of the individuals or teams needed to carry out his or her responsibility.

7. The responsibilities of Mission Council remain unchanged and are those outlined for a Vestry in The Vestry Handbook by Christopher Webber. These would include: stewardship, business & finances, maintenance of the physical plant, administration and oversight of the office, hiring new staff and appointing leadership as needed.

8. The responsibilities of the Senior Warden remain unchanged, and include

a. Chairing Mission Council and Executive Committee meetings.

b. Being the primary point of contact with the Diocese,

c. Scheduling services and officiants, unless he or she delegates this responsibility.

d. Ensuring that lay ministry licenses are uptodate with the Diocese.

9. The responsibilities of the Junior Warden remain unchanged, and include

a. Overall responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the building.

b. Forming and leading and Buildings and Grounds Committee.